Friday, January 22, 2016


* List 3-4 national holidays (including yesterday's)
* Why do you think we have national holidays?
* Are there benefits to having national holidays? Are there downsides?

There are different national holidays that are celebrated around the world. Some holidays are Martin Luther King Jr. day, Independence day, Cesar Chavez's day, and etc...
I think we have these national holidays to celebrate the history that changed the world to now. There are specific people that we celebrate in national holidays like Martin Luther king. Celebrating national holidays helps us remember and keep history that changed our world. There are good benefits to having national holidays. For example, it helps people not forget the important history and it also celebrates to the people who made the changes to the world. There are some downsides in national holidays like some people dislike or disagree to celebrate some national holidays so that can be some downsides to having national holidays.

Friday, January 15, 2016


What are the top 3-5 websites you use for educational purposes?
The top websites I use for educational purposes is,,, and I use these websites for some subjects like math and science and I practice some problems on there. The top-level domain they use is .com because mostly it's an "educational" site so the information on there is most accurate. .com is used usually for a commercial entities or business website.

What are the top 3-5 websites you use for personal entertainment?
The top websites I use for personal entertainment is I sometimes use,, and For my personal websites, I sometimes go to educational websites when I'm bored and play some practice games and it's actually fun. The top-level domain they use is .com because it is mostly a commercial entity or mostly a business based website.

Monday, January 11, 2016


What is grit?
Describe a challenging experience in your life when you showed grit?
Do you think that grit should be taught in schools? If so, how?

Have you ever experienced grit in your life? Well, I did but before you know, here is a definition of grit. A grit is the effort you make and the hard-workings made in long-term goals. Grit is the way everyone can succeed including me. One of the experience I had in my life when I showed grit is when I was in school. During school, there was a hard time where I had to catch up or improve my grades. For example, when I´m failing a grade in class, grit is useful because it can help me overall improve my grades up. Grit is also useful for everybody to use. Grit should be especially taught in schools because it will definitely improve the effort the students are making. A way of how grit should be taught is school is maybe the student can learn to make plans in their life. For example, the students can make their future plans including college plans, or life plans. After the students made those plans, they can have an actual assignment of researching about their future dreams and the reasons of how they will achieve it. The teachers can also teach the students more about grit and make them participate to make them actually understand the meaning of grit and how they can succeed in their future life. Also, games and group works can be included to make students participate. Doing these activities will definitely help the students have grit and succeed in life. All that is needed, is effort made by the students and teachers at school in order for grit to be learned by everyone. ;)

Thursday, January 7, 2016


One academic goal I would like to accomplish in my digital literacy class is improving in working with google drive, docs, and etc.. I can accomplish this goal by using my google drive often when working on a project assigned in other classes. Another way I can accomplish this goal is, when there is a chance to work on google drive again in class, I would work on the topic more seriously and put more attention to it so I can accomplish my goal that time. When I´m at home, I can spend more time working with google docs, forms, sheets, and etc... Instead of using other apps to use my printer or my computer, I can use google more often when I have time to do so.

One personal goal for me in my life is having closer relationships with my friends and my family. I can accomplish this by hanging out with my friends more often and I can be closer with my family by talking to them often or going out on family outings often too. Also, I would want to make new friends too by talking to other people and spending more time with them rather than spending my time always with my friends.